To the Glory

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I don't belong here. To all those I've offended, I am sorry. You are a beautiful bloggmunity that anyone and everyone should love to be a part of. From this point on I am dead to you. Forget about me. Forget about my foul mouth, my irrevrent humor, and my obvious virginity. I am going to be picking up more hours at Baskin, maybe I'll get a gym membership, I don't know. Don't forget Stacy.
Don't worry about commenting 'cause I won't be checking my blog anymore. For all those I've personally hurt (you know who you are), just know that I truly am an A-hole. This was all supposed to be an adventure, fun, games, and community...but it took a sour turn for the worst.

Please forgive The Raj. Thank you for the week of sweet pleasures. I'll never forget you all.


PS Rebecca, I'll never forget you. Bsc, I didn't really know who you were. Arwen, I should have read your posts before I commented and I will never visit your facebook again. Ryan and Jessica I really do hope your son is ok. Ty, we could have been something special. Tabitha, Lisa, Tara, KK, and annonymus I hope I did not cause you too much heartache. James, you're still wrong. Jen, I find you intruiging. If I've forogtten anyone else, you are probably lucky 'cause that may mean that I have not made fun of your dead father, cat, or best friend (or something of that nature)

I bid you farwell. Peace out Boobies!


At 6:11 AM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

if you quit blogging and drive by comment bomging i will NOT make i heart raj shirts.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

also.... if you walk away, just be sure to walk with christ, brother.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger the IMAGINATIVE ACTION REGIME said...

bye raj. i already miss you, you little sweet asshole you.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Does anyone else think that this makes Raj a genius at ironic comedy?

1. drink box of wine.

2. say mean things to people who don't deserve it.

3. wait for angry response.

4. quit blogging because people said mean things to you when you deserved it.

5. drink box of wine.

That, my friends, is funny.

Raj, where ever you are, I'm laughing at your joke, intentional or unintentional.

At 12:00 AM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

i thought raj was a genious from the first comment of his that i saw. i have spent more time at my computer laughing out loud and searching for raj than i have for any one blogger in a long while.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Ryan Woods said...

I like to think that he's still nursing his box of wine while reading all our blogs.

I think I would have liked Raj.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

ryan, i have to believe that. i can not accept that he is gone forever.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Raj, your such a wierd little bastard. I think you are bipolar or something

At 4:37 PM, Blogger tara said...

i agree with lisa.

At 5:41 PM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

ryan, when i met raj randomly at the fred meyer in vancouver . . . he did sort of remind me of you. i think you two would have gotten along . . . if you didn't count his potty mouth and disregard for your son.


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